Partners Column: Welcome to Solutions 'n Views

It is our plan to share with you on a regular basis information and new ideas that are working their way through the health care industry in hopes of helping you to stay ahead of the wave. We also would appreciate your feedback and input concerning items of interest. Having said that we offer several articles on topics that are old but seem to be coming back into favor and or never left. Case / cost management and customer service are two elements that will help an organization to better deal with the vagaries the ever changing health care industry has to offer us. Please read on and enjoy.

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by Meg Durlach, Vice President Strategic Health Care Solutions, LLC

A Superior service strategy is based on the principle that when customers feel truly appreciated, valued and well cared for, not only are they more satisfied, but they also bring more business to the company - more often. This strategy is not new; it has been proven many times. However, this is a strategy that is highly applicable in the care of seniors, but one that is easier to talk about than to accomplish. However, it is well worth the investment.

Click here to download a PDF version of the entire article.


By Roberta L. Trutnau, MBA, LNHA and Meg Durlach, MBA, LNHA
Strategic Health Care Solutions, LLC

Case Management is the set of processes through which all health related matters of care are managed by a physician, nurse or a designated health care professional. The Case Manager(s) coordinate specified components of health care, such as appropriate referral to consultants, specialists, hospital, ancillary providers and all additional services (placement in Skilled nursing facility or assisted living community for example). Case management is meant to ensure continuity of services and accessibility, and as a means to overcome rigidity, fragmented services (help consumer navigate the fragmented health care system), and the misuse of facilities and resources. It also tries to match the appropriate intensity of services with the patient's needs over time hopefully ensuring the compliance of the managed care philosophy of "Right Place, Right Time for the Right Price".

Initially Case Management was a tool applied by payers to manage the benefit dollar. Today it is a concept that enhances the care process helping to ensure the proper care planning is followed and education provided the customers (families and patients alike) to maintain buy-in in the healing /recovery process.

Click here to download a PDF version of the entire article.

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